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3) Surfer's abilities are quantum as well, Marvel simply hasn't gone to such extremes in feats. New Comics Gen. " How ? What can Surfer do to actually hurt Lord Marvel ? Lord Marvel is a Nigh. If we're looking at composite Goku and Vegeta, they'll probably stomp with the Xenoverse versions having UI and Ego forms. no. If you’re planning a luxurious yacht excursion, one of the most important decisions you’ll need to make is hiring a competent and experienced yacht captain. cavapoo puppies in indiana [3] In 2011, DC Comics relaunched its superhero comics and rewrote the histories of some characters from … Well during one of the Marvel vs. The Silver Surfer is way too powerful for Firestorm and New 52 Captain Atom. Superboy prime is also kind of useless unless he’s in his form from Countdown. There is no contest Round 1: Probably Silver Surfer. Voting Poll: http://wwwcom/fansite. morbid podcast kelly anne bates Surfer and Hungry Galactus. Silver Surfer and Quasar John Stewart, Orion, Firestorm, Captain Atom The Rules. @Static Shock said: @PowerHerc said:. Captain Marvel wins. 13 years ago Superhero Battle #533660: Brainiac & Ultron versus Silver Surfer & Captain Atom. Master Chief, Guts, Captain America, Batman, Aragorn, Geralt, Levi and Black Noir vs. haitian creole insults 4596: Silver Surfer versus Captain Atom. ….

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